Giving a Talk Online
Two days ago, I gave a talk about my book for the Oxford Eighteenth-Century Literature and Culture seminar. I think it went quite well. In response to some requests from attendees, and my own desire to try and remember things, this post records how I went about preparing to present a 40-minute presentation on theatre…
Although the metadata will only show the steady rhythm of my weekly research leave posts, I’m writing this entry one week later than I should have done. This is because I am now sitting in a library (more on that in the post for next week – or this week’s, if I’m being honest) ,…
Knights of the Roundtable
Research Leave has given me the time to travel to the annual conference of the American Society of Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS) this year. I’ve never been before, and am looking forward to meeting both old acquaintances and other people whom I only know through their books. I’ll be giving a paper on character theory, drawn…
La Haine de Shakespeare
There’s a conference this December entitled ‘La haine de Shakespeare’, part of a larger research project at the Sorbonne on ‘La haine du théâtre’. After going to one of their colloques, I really wanted to take part myself, and was glad of what seemed like an ideal opportunity.
2014: Looking Forward and Back
This is a little late for New Year navel-gazing, but I thought I’d write a short recap of my blogging last year. It seemed like a good way to pass the time until my book emerged from the depths of the British Library.
Johnson and Shakespeare
Just a quick post this time to announce the I’ve been invited to speak at a conference in Pembroke College, Oxford, marking the 350th anniversary of Samuel Johnson’s edition of the plays of Shakespeare. The event will take place in August 2015, so – all being well – I should have finished writing my thesis…
Les Circulations Musicales et Théâtrales, 1750-1815
I’m writing this early one afternoon in Paris. The sky is grey, the air is cold, and Nice feels even further away than a six hour train journey. I’ve decided to compose a little post on my time in this city, both to record some of the new thoughts the conference inspired and, more ambitiously,…
Shakespeare’s Ambassador
I’m going to be speaking soon at a conference in Nice, entitled Musical and Theatrical Circulation in the Long Eighteenth Century. As is traditional now, I’ll post here my proposal, and, all being well, should have a recording of my rehearsal to put up in the nearish future.
Thou art a scholar, speak to it… (III)
As is I have done not once, but twice before, I’m uploading a recording of myself speaking a seminar paper. This is a rough version of what I will be delivering on Monday 3rd November 2014, from 4pm in the Board Room of the English Faculty at Cambridge. As the file is large and hypothesis…
La Haine du Théâtre
I spent three very enjoyable days at the Sorbonne last week at a conference held as part of the Haine du théâtre (The Hatred of the Theatre) project. I was going to write up my thoughts immediately afterwards, but than came down with some horrible digestive disease, hence this delayed and probably less accurate account.…